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MG MGF Technical - Head Gasket Blown!
30k mileage MGF with blown head gasket! anyone else come across this before, is it common? Many thanks Martin |
Martin |
Martin, Emmm .... Sorry for what's happening to you See the thread HGF or search the archive for HGF and you'll have the answer. One more for your stats guys ... |
Jérôme |
May I predict the answer to your question? Dirk - yes it's very common. Ted, no it's not. I do think it happens a little too often, but then I am slightly biased - it happened to me twice. |
Dot |
Dirk would say: "Yes it's built-in when you buy the F" Ted would say: "It's one HGF among about a hundred thousands F's produced and in good health" Only joking |
Jérôme |
Now, Now lads and lassies. Dirk would not say it was built in - he would say it is typical English crap in his typically(?) Belgium fashion. I would say that head gasket failures have been a feature of motoring ever since the internal combustion engine was invented, and it is an unfortunate fact of design that the head gasket is the weakest part of the engine where the compressed gases are concerned. I would therefor doubt that there is an engine type that has not suffered a head gasket failure at some time. Ted |
Ted Newman |
Jérôme |
>it is an unfortunate fact of design that the head gasket is the weakest part of the engine Erm, I think its actually designed to be like that :o) |
Dot |
>>I would therefor doubt that there is an engine type that has not suffered a head gasket failure at some time. W*nkel Rotary? (_e=mc2_) |
Gareth |
>>I would therefor doubt that there is an engine type that has not suffered a head gasket failure at some time. W*nkel Rotary? (_e=mc2_) |
Gareth |
So, the site doesnae like W4nkel? |
Gareth |
Dot I think that if the designers could build an engine in one piece they would and if there is a need for a 'weak point' then a safety valve would be a much better answer - I have this system in my central heating which is much better than having a weak point in the living room radiator for example. Gareth W*nkels engines work on a completely different principal and BTW they had great problems maintaing a seal in the rotors. Ted |
Ted Newman |
Yet ANOTHER one bites the dust! number 146 on this BBS...! Pffff, tell us something new... HGFs are very normal, actually, everyday I go to work I see at least 20 cars parked aside the road with a steaming engine. All brands of course, nothing special, we're only 2001 you know... <g> <g> <g> please give me the details, so I can add you to the MGF hall of shame. ps: If Rover doesn't cough up the repair costs, I'm sure Ted will... ha ha ha |
Dirk |
>Yet ANOTHER one bites the dust! number 146 < of 70,000 made (I think that was what Dieter reckons). >everyday I go to work I see at least 20 cars parked aside the road with a steaming engine< Bloody hell - do all Luxembourgers/Belgiums drive like you then Dirk? BTW can you please explain the logic that says I should pay for other peoples repairs? Ted |
Ted Newman |
>Dirk would not say it was built in - he would say it is typical English crap in his typically(?) Belgium fashion. >Bloody hell - do all Luxembourgers/Belgiums drive like you then Dirk? Ted, Belgian (s) is the right word, I think... M. |
Mark |
If you are offering Ted, I've got some stuff for u to pay for... ;) Shash |
Shashi Dookhee |
Ted, logic has nothing to do with it, he's a lawyer :-) |
Gareth |
As far as I know Ted is aware of HGFs on the MGF, he just has not had one himselsf after quite some time driving. Dirk on the other hand, who's F is what can only be described as one of the biggest dogs to come out of the MG/Rover Factory in quite a few years which tends to give a view in the other direction to Ted. Now if we could get Casey in on the subject you would see that Ted has has quite a modorate view on the subject. HGFs happen on the MGF, not to all of them but to what seems a greater than normal proportion to the number manufactured. Our only information comes from reports on this BBS where this would seem to be the case. I had an HGF myself just after the first year and it was fixed without cost to me, no problems since (touch wood), my car was three in September. |
Tony Smith |
>himselsf I have no argument so I'm going to complain about my own typos and hope that no one will notice.... |
Tony Smith |
Thank you Mark - I stand corrected, mind you this BBS is about cars and related items ans as such I feel that a few spelling mistakes are acceptable, if they were not then many of us would be too scared to post here in case Schoolmaster Mark gave us detention! Don't think the cane is allowed any more -is it? Ted |
Ted Newman |
Yeah, but if the rotary engine had had half as much development money spent on it as the otto cycle engine, I bet we'd all be driving them. Same applies for electrics. Also W4ankel engine seal problems are history - the big problem is economy of scale. Hence only included in low-volume high performance cars such as the Mazda RX-7 N837 OGF |
Hugh |
Norton also fitted them in their bikes and I think they still have the rights for the production of the engine in this country and it is still made for the aircraft industry and is used in pilotless target (hence pilotless:)) aircraft. And of course way back in the dark ages it was used by NSU of Germany - what I never understand is if the engine is as good as some say why has it not been further developed, they have had plenty of time to do it as I seem to remember that it first came out back in the late fifties. Ted |
Ted Newman |
> I feel that a few spelling mistakes are acceptable, if they were not > then many of us would be too scared to post here in case Schoolmaster Mark gave us detention! Thank you Ted! I confirm I would say 'then many of us would write in their own language (which we can't understand) and not in English!' |
Jérôme |
Isn't it so that a major problem they never really managed to solve with the W*nkel engine was its fuel consumption? Okay for the "dark ages" but not for the post-oil shocks world? Niklas |
Niklas |
The rotary engine was doomed because it's name could never be used over the internet. Now an MX5 with the RX7 motor, Hmmmm? Will it fit in an F? |
Tony Smith |
They should have called it the Crapel engine. Mind you going to the toilet could become a different experience altogether. |
Tony Smith |
Tony What are you smoking:) Ted |
Ted Newman |
Sorry, I have one question: what does the * stand for in W*nkel and what kind of thing are you talking about??????? I feel like everybody is somking out there!!!!!!! Sorry Martin, everyone is laughing but you I suppose .... |
Jérôme |
The * in W*nkel is a 'a' and the W*nkel engine is a rotary engine first developed by a German bu the name of Dr(?) W*nkel - pronounced Vankel. Ted |
Ted Newman |
What a difference one letter could have made. Ted, well it aint horse sh*t that's for sure (sorry Crap, the sensors you know.... |
Tony Smith |
What a difference one letter could have made. Ted, well it aint horse sh*t that's for sure (sorry Crap, the sensors you know.... |
Tony Smith |
Ted wrote as a reply to Dirk's comment: >>BTW can you please explain the logic that says I should pay for other peoples repairs? Gareth replied: >>Ted, logic has nothing to do with it, he's a lawyer :-) << Uh-oh, Gareth, you're mixing up my brother Dirk and me. Dirk might be bad-mouthing on this BBS, I am doing so in Courts and at the univ. Of course I am highly 'specialized' in product liability issues on MGF cars - with Dirk's MGF VVC as ultimate exhibit and study object (guinea pig) ;-) And about Belgians, don't be cute with us, because according to a recent US survey, we are supposed to mean (threatening) business !!! "COMMUNISTS NOW LEAST THREATENING GROUP IN U.S. WASHINGTON, DC-- According to a report released Tuesday by the Pentagon, Communists rank last on a list of 238 threats to national security. «Communists may now safely be ignored», Secretary of Defense William Cohen said. «The Red Menace has been surpassed by militia groups, religious extremists, ecoterrorists, cybercriminals, Hollywood producers, and angry drivers». Other groups deemed more threatening than Communists include rap-metal bands (#96), escaped zoo animals (#202), and Belgians (#237). (source: The Onion)" So a Belgian angry driver must be somewhat the 'nec plus ultra' of evil, whoohahaha (evil-ish laugh...) Cheers, Luc |
Luc |
Luc I have to agree with Washington I am afraid as the only driver that tried to park his car on my MGF was a Belgian. And BTW he and/or his company now refuse to pay for the damage - they being Price Waterhouse Belgium. BTW2 - not serious about staement 1 paragraph 1. but I am about paragraph 2. Ted |
Ted Newman |
I think this is a lesson here is that race has nothing to do with anything. Dirk, although not this time, quite often puts the race issue at the front of many problems. It is not because it is crap, it is because it is British crap. Well sorry guys but it is all European Crap. No motor manufacturer or motor car for that matter is totally British, French, German or Italian as almost all European Motor Manufacturers source parts from and manufactured items all over Europe (and the rest of the world for that matter). And Luc, if you spend so much time looking at the Product law surrounding Dirks MGF why have you not managed to get him a new car or compensation. Is this because you are a lousy lawyer or just that Dirk has no case? Ted, Surly this is a matter for you insurance company to chace up if you have the evidence that the Belgian Guy damaged your car. The Belgian, Guy because he is Belgian and not because Belgians are known for causing accidents. Please note I have not included anywhere what the Dutch say about Belgian Drivers, but then again in Holland they tell Belgian jokes instead of Irish jokes. All this on the Technical board too :-). |
Tony Smith |
Tony I agree the insurance company should sort it out but I have paid the excess to get my car out of the garage and presumably the balance is too small for the insurers to worry about! BUT I am giving them (the insurers) hassle! Ted |
Ted Newman |
Dirk I hope you have more luck with BMW than my husband. He was expecting his new M3 in Nov, now he's just been told BMW have stopped sales AGAIN! |
Dot |
looks like I picked the right tme to log on. Head Gasket blew again today...for the third time!!! weak link is putting it mildly. I'm so pissed off I never want to get in the thing again! John |
John Houston |
John, whatever you think of the reliability of the MGFs HG, more than one failure is really taking the piss. I had 2 HGFs, I'm sure that the 2nd was because of the incompetant dealer that "fixed" it the 1st time. What sorta time period are we talking here? Try a different dealer. |
Dot |
If your car causes you more problems than you are willing to handle get something else (unless Rover want to buy you a new engine that is). Why are BMW holding back sales of the M3? Did I miss something while I was way out in the wild wild west? Well they will get these Americans to build em :-) |
Tony Smith |
John.. Must be something else causing that - 3 HGF's is a bit much, for anyone :( Is the engine modified in any way? Shash |
Shashi Dookhee |
Dot, Sorry to here Paul is still waiting for his M3. I think however that he is an innocent victim of the "curse of Dirk". I think Dirk has so deeply offended the Gods that he has been damned to spend all eternity driving his F to hopeless dealers who will then both rip him off and only make his problems worse. The Gods have further tormented him by letting him order an M3 but they will also ensure that he will spend all eternity expecting delivery within 6 month! It makes perfect sense to me. Cheers Patrick |
Patrick |
First time anyone called him an innocent victim! Serves hime right for ordering a BMW. |
Dot |
Dot, Sorry I missed your message last night. I confess I was going to add a comment that Paul seemed too nice a fellow to be seen driving a BMW but decided against it as as I though too many might interpret this as anti German. I am a great fan of Germany and it's citizens with the exception of BMW! Best wishest to you both Patrick |
Patrick |
Patrick (and others) BMW's first products (aero-engines) were second to none and powered some of Germany's finest airships and planes and today they make RRs under license. Their second product (motor-cycles) were (and still are) almost second to none - far better than any Jap sowing machine and nearly as good as old british machines. The problem arose when the junior arm of the company decided to produce motor cars - they were fine when the made the Dixie (an Austin 7 under license) but of recent years they have gone right down the drain:) Ted |
Ted Newman |
One thing you will have to learn when you get your BMW Dirk, it is MANDATORY to drive with fog/driving lights on at all times. Cheers Gareth :-) |
Gareth |
Dot, are you already in the Hall Of Shame? Dot, if I wanted I had my M3 already this month, but I wait till June for financial reasons, so all this extended waiting period blahblah is indeed blahblah! First M3 UK deliveries in March, confirmed today by UK guys. Ted, 149 HGF *REPORTED ON THIS BBS*, so for the zillionth time your 149 vs 70.000 sold MGFs comparison (must be around 60K I thought) is bull, unless every MGF owner is on this BBS (I think Rover would then do everything to close down this site ;) Think of John Houston, try to convince him MGFs are still good cars (har har...) Tony, my brother has an MGF too, not good for a lawyer to attack a company if he uses himself the same product I guess. And I don't have anything specific against Britains, but if an MG sucks, should I say it is a Japanese car just to make you Brits feel better? It's a nearly 100% UK car, no? John Houston, please your car details!!!!! you're another fine example of this famous MGF 'reliability', defended by crusaders Ted & Patrick. Sash, in Germany there are 2 MGFs which suffered already FOUR HGFs. I guess the owners drive around in another brand now ;) Gareth, I'm sure you'll change your mind once you actually DROVE an M3 instead of judging it as 'German, so it sucks'. At least I'll have the biggest grin when an M3 & MGF meet each other on the road. If the F tries desperately to follow, he'll ruin his engine in no-time I guess. Grin again... Patrick, I think God created the Earth with an MGF in mind, that's why we start to feel the consequences of the greenhouse effect already. Within a few hundreds of years the Earth-gasket will blow for no reason, and the coolant from the poles will splash all over the world! Then God will realise something was wrong with the design of civilization ;-)) |
Dirk |
Not blah at all Dirk. The M3 sitting in the showroom in the dealer here in Munich cannot be sold (BMW orders). At this rate my husband won't be getting his car until March either (if he waits that long - somehow I think his patience with BMW is not gonna last much longer). Yep I am already in the Hall Of Shame. |
Dot |
Dirk Rover and this BBS are British based and as such like it or hate it Rover can not do much about it we are not a police state, is Luxembourg? 70,000 units sold was not my figure it came from our statistics guru Dieter but of course you will know better! I am sorry to hear that you wont now get your Beemer until 2002 - we had hoped to be shot of you:) Finally Patrick and I are not crusaders - they killed the pagans and I think you are alive still - mind you I could be wrong you could be some sort of spectre. Ted |
Ted Newman |
Dirk, Er, I think Garth was hoping that any BMW drivers reading will turn off the extra driving lights and stop blinding him. >Tony, my brother has an MGF too, not good for a lawyer to attack a company if he uses himself the same product I guess. Again you answer the question perfectly. If he went into court saying the MGF is a crap car this would be true, but as the case would be over a specific car (your car) it would not matter what car he drove himself. This is the point. It is your car not all MGFs. We have just as many on this BBS without your problems as with them. Not one has had as much trouble as you. >And I don't have anything specific against Britains, but if an MG sucks, should I say it is a Japanese car just to make you Brits feel better? Then why do you say "British Crap" and not that it is a "British car that is Crap". The former is not saying anything but that you think it is crap because it is British. Saying it was Japanise would be silly because it is not. What an obvious attempt to avoid the issue. >It's a nearly 100% UK car, no? No, it has a Honda gearbox for a start, maybe someone else could give you a percentage of non British Components. |
Tony Smith |
Seem to remember 'Made in Belgium' stickers on some parts and 'Made in France' and I know for a fact that there are a number of bits from Germany I think you will find that all cars from Europe are pretty international. Ted |
Ted Newman |
>I am a great fan of Germany and it's citizens with the exception of BMW! Me TOO !! :-) >70,000 units sold was not my figure it came from our statistics guru Dieter but of course you will know better! 68.000 units until December. Calculated and aggreed with some chaps that don't want to be named. >Sash, in Germany there are 2 MGFs which suffered already FOUR HGFs. I guess the owners drive around in another brand now ;) No !! :) Christian Tuerke (inofficial german HGF-King) from Munich got another MGF in late summer 2000. And he is very satisfied :) Anyway, I miss a discussion ? Flames to the 'Flame Wars' subject. BMW to arrogant class. Cheers Dieter PS. getting back when the flames have gone !! |
Dieter Koennecke |
Why is everybody against BMW ? I'll maybe have to choose soon a company car and the 320d is not that bad, although I'd prefer a new A4 TDI 130 ... just personnal taste. The M3 is a very attractive car, not as sporty as a Porsche 911 GT2, but quite damn quick, comfortable, ... but then again, I'd prefer an Audi RS4 ... only dreaming :)) (to Trefenners : do you remember we were passed on the motorway to Spa by a blue "missile", an RS4 ?) Ted, why are you saying that BMW bikes are better than any jap ?? Really off HGF topic now ! Fabrice |
Fabrice |
Fabrice In the hope that it mind wind-up someone! Seriously just check out the used bike market, why do Beemas hold their price better than Jap bikes? Ted |
Ted Newman |
Ted wrote >Seem to remember 'Made in Belgium' stickers on some parts and 'Made in France' ... Yep, probably the 3 tone-horn is made in France (more important than Airbags in France, especially in Paris :-) Did anyone already experience a horn failure ???????? |
Jérôme |
To Dirk et al This all smacks of "my daddy's bigger than your daddy" "my daddy can beat up your daddy" I sometimes really wonder why the hell you bother, what you are doing is no fun at all! For f*cks sake enjoy your cars no matter what it is, someone will always have a better motor. I'm sure that one of these days I'll log onto this BBS and you all be arguing about who has the biggest cock! Have fun little boys!! |
Mechanic |
Well however big our cocks are they wont be as big a prick as Mechanic - as has been said many times to many people on many boards if you don't like what you see here then go away or at least just hit the 'Back' button. Ted |
Ted Newman |
I have Nothing against BMW, I just don't want one for my own personal reasons that's all, is that OK for everyone? Also I feel that BMW were just as responsible as Rover for any problems with the MGF quality and dealerships. I would still have to be pushed to buy any other Rover or BMW product again. Mind you, I don't think after my experience I will ever buy a new car again. My daddy is dead so he won't be much help I'm afraid and by the way he was only 5'3". It must have been hard growing up with a name like Mechanic, I bet they really took the piss at school. Maybe Paul Lathwell should add information regarding the size of male F'ers dicks. To be even we also need to reflect the female F'ers requirements, so if anyone has any idea how we incorporate them please let me know. Maybe we can have an online Hall of Shame for CPFs (Condom Protection Failures:-). |
Tony Smith |
He's probably from the TT forum |
Ed |
Oh my, Mechanic seems to express a complex about his c*ck... he must be a Z3 owner then. Frontlights are from Valeo, made in Belgium, gearbox from Honda, EPAS ECU from Mitsubishi... HEAD GASKET FROM ROVER, FABULOUS HYDRAGAS SUSPENSION FROM ROVER, GEAR LINKAGE FROM ROVER, all the little interior bits, windows, hood, seals, etc etc actually the car's design with his famous well-cooled K-Engine was made a a UK drawing board or CAD/CAM workstation. I didn't say all coming from UK is crap, but an MGF is certainly not a reference for explaining to Europeans how well built UK cars are. Don't forget Longbridge, home of the MGF, was voted as "worst quality car assembly plant" of whole Europe. Was in every newspaper, now what can I say to others about that? I have experienced myself this statement is not a statistical fallacy but the bloody damn truth! And even if you have the best parts but a bunch of unmotivated & incompetent workforce to put them together, well, the result is quite straightforward! When I received my car there were scratches on the bodywork, cuts in the leather, holes in the covers and wrong RHD carpets! great quality control I'd say! ps: explain me why M3s are already sold to private people in Germany (German guys who have them show pictures on the net, valid license plate & themselves in the car in the street or in front of their house, explain their experiences, likes & dislikes etc), why it is on sale in showrooms here in Lux, why the Lux salesman tried to advance my order to get it quicker out, and that he even confirmed the fact they now ARE FOR SALE...? Anyway, I hope I get rid of my F now, I don't care driving around an extra 6 months in my mums Twingo, at least this little car always works and costs me not even 5% of what my MGF costs. |
Dirk |
The soft top was designed in Italy. Build and component quality were stated as issues. I still maintain that the Dealers are the biggest problem. My F was good when I picked it up the only thing wrong was a slight mark on the door and some of the chrome coating had come off the interior door handle. Apart from that, any other problems at the time were down to the dealer. Mind you, I had the car out of the showroom which I test drove and it had already done 1000km (Yes I got a bit of extra on the Twingo I traded in because of this). Dirk, I like Twingos, I only had one for about three months but it was a great little car. Faster than any M3 around town :-). I got more speeding tickets in the Twingo than I got in the first two years owning my F. Only problem I had was the long reach required to put it into 5th gave me a bad back. Also, the Twingo really holds it's value well, better than any performance car, it was the first car I have owned where I sold it for more than I paid. |
Tony Smith |
Well that really 'bad news' to hear that some F's have suffered up to 4 HGF's. I'm on my second. The first at 35,000kms and now at 51,000kms. The dealers is saying, 'tough' but I cant accept that this is normal for a car that is just three years old!!! Unfortunately I dont have any confidence inthe local dealer but have no choice, he's the only one. Perhaps its gone again due to bad workmanship from the last time. I want to complain to the builder and try to get this second repair costs at least subsidised. Can anyone tell me wjo to contact!! I cant rely on the dealer here to do that for me (that would be customer service !) |
linda |
Linda, print out Hall of Shame and show it to your dealer, he will become very quiet :) Dieter, you mean Christian Türke had FIVE HGFs already?? SELL SELL SELL !! ;) Tony, Twingo's are cool, I just miss the oomph a lot when being on the highway. But revenge will come <g> ps: Got news from dealer, F another 2 weeks at garage (will be *10 weeks* immobilised then!) since he's not in next week and made his planning already this week. But at least he received the EPAS parts straight from Jason Harris. Hopefully they'll work. If not he needs another MK1 MGF to compare voltages on cabling to know where the difference in what cable is. |
Dirk |
>>Why is everybody against BMW ?<< It's not so much BMW, it's the drivers: BMW drivers tailgate BMW drivers overtake in the wrong lane on motorways BMW drivers think double yellow lines mean BMW Parking Zone BMW drivers think that the white lines in car parks are for parking over, not between. Ever been let out of a side road by a BMW driver? BMW drivers don't know how to go round roundabouts properly, cutting you up at the exits BMW drivers leave motorways on the right hand lane on the slip road only to turn left at the exit If the car parked blocking the pavement by the cash machine at a bank isn't a 4x4, it's a BMW. I'm sure there's more. In 30 years motoring, I can count on one han the number of times I have come across a courteous BMW driver. And then again, there's what Mr Burnt Fish Trousers did to Rover ... |
BMW Observer |
Oh come on Mr BMW Observer what are you trying to do? Make BMW drivers sound ordinary? Ted |
Ted Newman |
BMW drivers don't know that the fog light switch is separate from the headlight switch |
Graham Robson |
OK I don't object to BMW's - unless they cut me up and spray crap on my beloved MGF - but I do object to any bad comments about jap bikes. Plleeeaase, we all know that the only way to go is a Sportbike - none of these two wheeled armoured tanks that ride around. Let's just point out that World Superbike winner 2000 Colin Edwards was on a Honda SP1 - and GP500 winner for 2000 was Kenny Roberts on a Suzuki ! ... mind you the Italians definitely have the motorbike scene sussed, and the bikes are quite sexy too! Most important statement though = I would not trade my MGF in for any Beemer! |
Lara |
Lara There are NO Jap bikes that I can think of that I would like to ride non-stop (well almost) from London to the South of France, But I can do, have done, and will continue to do on my BMW bike and even in my decrepid state I still arrive in one usable piece. Yes I agree that Ducatis are sexy looking bikes, except of course when they are dumped at the side of the road awaiting 'The Very Nice Man' which where they tend to spend a lot of their time. Oh I give you that many of the Japanese Super Bikes look good and do well in the super races - but then they should do they have a complete rebuild before and after every race and they have a team of factory mechanics to support them and money seems to be endless. But at the end of the day it each to her/his own and true bikers look out for each other, what ever bike they own, unfortunately there are many Jack the Lad cowboys these days complete with their designer leathers who dont understand the Biker Thing and for them long distance is going to the second exit of the M25. Ted |
Ted Newman |
Well unfortunately Ted, hubbie is one of these poser designer leathers chappies who only get's his 'Kwacker' out of the garage on sunny days! So I guess I have to admit to being a sympathiser towards the sports bikes - and I too like wearing the designer leather! I agree with you about the BMW biking being friendly though as I work with someone whose hubbie has one and is involved in various meets throughout the country and it does sound like great fun. But to be honest the only cruising to the South of France that I would do, would be in my little red rocket. |
Lara |
Objection Mr BMW Observer!!! Not all French drivers have a BMW RE > the BMW biking being friendly What about those bikers on the ring road who give you nasty blows into your door when you don't pull on the right (or left) to allow them to go quicker by slaloming between cars? Do they know the word 'tolerance' ? |
Jérôme |
Dirk, >Dieter, you mean Christian Tuerke had FIVE HGFs already?? SELL SELL SELL !! ;) No, he sold the old MGF after 4th HGF that time. BTW the fourth happened not actual to him but to the craftsman of the workshop just on the testdrive after they repaired the third. At last he missed the MGF so much that he got the next nice MGF 8 month later. He's very satisfied .. (knocking on wood) and had no problem. Jerome, suppose they know tolerances ... but only measured in 1/10 inches ;-) BMW drivers .. need to wear a tie before they join the dealers shop. Cheers Dieter |
Dieter Koennecke |
I think BMW's are great cars. I regret giving mine up, because it was comfortable, quiet, the 6 cylinder engine was SSSSOOOOO smooth, the dealers were fantastic (when the car went in for a service they made it better than before it went in, with the F I end up with new faults when it comes back) and best of all, it had this little yellow light that came on on the dash when the car needed a full free valet at the dealers (they even did a service for you at the time the car was in for the valet). And all the comments about BMW drivers are true. I did all that when I had my BMW and still do in my F - the only difference now is that people let me out when I'm waiting to join a main road from a side road). Fleet car drivers all drive on the limit - driving 80,000 miles a year you get so sick and tired of people plodding along in the outside lane at 60mph when they have no reason to be there. It's just that you notice BMWs more than drivers of other cars. I'd happily have another BMW, but I'm gonna keep my F too. |
Stefan Gibney |
I notice too that people seem more willing to let an F out of junctions! That's probably because we are such a lovely lot !! |
Lara |
Lara >> That's probably because we are such a lovely lot !!. << Hmmm, have you met some of the characters on this BBS <bg> Stefan |
Stefan Gibney |
Any MGF owners experienced water leaks and unable to find source? |
Len |
This thread was discussed between 09/01/2001 and 19/01/2001
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