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MG Midget and Sprite Technical - mg seat swop
My generous brother has just fitted a new pair of seats to his "B". He has given me his cast off black leather with red piping to go into my midget.If they do not fit he told me to bin them. Any suggestions re fitting. |
I think they will be too wide. Measure them. MGF seats can be made to fit a Midget and are very comfy too. |
Mike Howlett |
I.M., you've either got a worse memory than mine or you're taking the piss as this is at least the third time you've asked the same question the answer remains the same - no the B seats will not fit into a Midget |
Nigel Atkins |
Nigel - are you sure? MGF seats fit a Midget but are too wide for a B. |
Paul Walbran |
B seats are narrower than Midget seats due to the massively thick sill structure. Rob |
Rob aka MG Moneypit |
Paul, I was going on my memory of the previous answers given to IM's previous enquires IIRC when I had my previous Spridget Eunos seats were popular as they were newer and had two speakers built into the headrest if I've got it wrong and B seats fit in Spridgets (without altering the frames) I apologies I was more commenting on the question being asked by IM so many times, rather smacks of trolling or perhaps just a good old fashion wind up as I put before to IM's question cross referencing information is a good thing - but this goes beyond that |
Nigel Atkins |
They do fit, I've seen cars with them in. Not sure how, but can't be that hard as I suspect they use a similar type of runner. Take old seat out, put new one in, drill holes as required :-) |
Rob Armstrong |
B seats are narrow enough to fit in the gap but the runners are in different places. Midget runners are closer together. I found this out the hard way. |
graeme jackson |
O.K. Nigel,some people are not that bright unlike yourself.Here is another question I know I have not asked. Will an mgf wind blocker fit a midget? |
well if you’re not as bright as me then you’re in a poor way as I couldn’t remember the answers given I do remember you asked on three threads on the same day so that did look a bit odd, if you’d have started this thread with something like “I know I’ve asked before but . . . .” then it wouldn’t have looked so odd again – but that’s all water under the bridge I’m sure MGB seats could be made to fit a Midget but it might involve more work than some think and they’re not a (direct) swap with each other as you previously asked I once tried to get a jig pre-made after market seat frame adapted by a specialist one-man-band builder/supplier to fit in a GT6 which has very little floor area under the seat, after a couple of visits where I remove the standard seat and the frame was offered up it became clear there was a bit more to it that just altering a couple of tubes and the builder’s heart wasn’t in it (he wanted the (well known) company that owned the jig to buy him out) - so I had the original seats rebuilt to a high standard and price but using the standard materials I’ve no idea about wind deflector fit but someone here might or you could try to get the sizes from the suppliers to compare and ask them about fit but I doubt they’d know (I could be wrong of course, again) I just wear a scarf or turn my collar up as I don’t find the back draft in a Midget as bad as some other cars including modern cars where they’re probably needed more |
Nigel Atkins |
It's only a matter of drilling some new holes. If you want to follow up I can measure the hole pattern from one of the B floors we have in stock. |
Paul Walbran |
Nigel,I must apologise for being rude to you> am by no means computer literate and was unaware that I had previosly asked the question.However I find it strange to get so many differing replies.Unfortunately the seats are now mine,as my brothewr has purchased a pair if brand new seats with headrests. As to the matter of the wind blockerAre you married Nigel,I get the impression you are not or you do not take your wife out too oftern. I have been looking on ebay at windblockers and discovered mgf blockers anr far cheaper and more readily available usrd. |
Nigel,I must apologise for being rude to you> am by no means computer literate and was unaware that I had previosly asked the question.However I find it strange to get so many differing replies.Unfortunately the seats are now mine,as my brothewr has purchased a pair if brand new seats with headrests. As to the matter of the wind blockerAre you married Nigel,I get the impression you are not or you do not take your wife out too oftern. I have been looking on ebay at windblockers and discovered mgf blockers anr far cheaper and more readily available usrd. |
Ian, many of us had open cars before wives, and back in the day the ability to ride in one without complaint was one of the acceptance criteria IIRC ;-) |
David Smith |
Im totally with David on this. Im to marrie in September this year and driving in the midget was one of the tests to see if she is the one. If she would have wined about wind during the run in the midget I would be a free man. ;) A winddeflector is soooooo .... girlish. According to Amnesty International its quite normal for a man to correct his wife with some occasional correctional slaps when she is losing it. Have you tried it I.M.Christie? it surely is even cheaper then the mgf winddeflector. And by not having a winddeflector you wont be laughed at on car meetings or other public outings. Before you know it youll have a picnicbasket on the rear of the car too, by then your beyond salvation... LOL!!!! |
A de Best |
"driving in the midget was one of the tests to see if she is the one." Arie, there are other important tests too, regarding the potential wife and the Midget. I do hope you are aware of that. ;) I was very impressed with one of my ex gf's when in my Sprite. I must say though, she was somewhat of a contortionist. :). The humble Mini of course, is far more accommodating in this respect. lol. |
Lawrence Slater |
I know Lawrence hence the "one of the tests" remark, she is a very good cook too if that's what you mean? ;) My humble mini was indeed more accommodating as my midget now but not as great as my Isuzu people carrier-van I had when I was 20, still makes me smile when I think of it and get flashbacks. :) |
A de Best |
IM, don't worry about being rude to me, the others :) I've been married for 29 years and my wife is cold all year round my Midget, like many classics before it, is used by me as my everyday car I've taken my wife out in my Midget with the top down just about every weekend (for at least one day of the weekend) for the last 6 months, over late autumn and winter, the same last late autumn and winter too (the worst for decades) - as it happens each time was dry, above 5c and at some stage the sun was out! my wife just wears many layers of clothes and (impractical) scarves, for when it's near 5C she does have a flying jacket from when I had much more open cars than a Midget with its full height doors and wind-up windows it probably helps that my wife's car is a (modern) drop top too and she has the roof down on that sometimes when I wouldn't as I find her car more draughty than my Midget, her car really does need the wind deflector she has fitted |
Nigel Atkins |
Yup, cooking. Of course Arie. LOL. |
Lawrence Slater |
Lawrence. My ex GF and I used to use the passenger seat. It's fine whilst in the throes of passion, but afterwards, just when you want to be basking in the afterglow, the pain in the knees from kneeling on the cross member starts to put a damper on proceedings. LOL. I often look accross at the passenger seat now and wonder how I did it! Happy days. ;) Bernie. |
b higginson |
my gawd, God's gift to women and they're all on this thread - what were the chances of that - it almost makes me wish I was a woman to able to take the great advantages offered here magic mirrors or magical thinking !?! Aire, come back and tell us your thoughts after you've been married a year, then 5 then 10 ;) if it doesn't work out let me know as I think I've got the hots for you even if I haven't seen a photo of you |
Nigel Atkins |
any one able to answer IM's question - will an mgf wind blocker fit a midget? |
Nigel Atkins |
Nigel. Wish you were a woman? Fancying Arie? Are you "Coming out"?! |
b higginson |
Bernie, Arie's spoken for at the moment (not that it's fair on the rest of humanity) but if you're without attachment at the moment (but how could that be possible) I doubt I could resist your self proclaimed prowess regardless of my orientation I'm not gay (at the moment at least) and as anyone who knows me will quickly tell you I'm not even remotely happy :( ever! tell a lie, I saw a funeral pass by the other day that cheered me up momentarily |
Nigel Atkins |
Nigel, im blushing now and im sorry to shatter your wet dreams but im not into hairy butcr*cks so its never gonna happen. ;) Now if I was into hairy butcr*cks I might considering a winddeflector too. LOL!!! Sorry I.M.Christie im taking the p*ss on your serious question but honestly im helping you not to go there. Youll hate me now but somebody had to warn you. :) |
A de Best |
To return to the thread. I suppose an MGF wind deflector could be made to fit a Midget, but to find out, you'd have to buy it first. A friend with a 1500 Midget bought one designed for the Midget for his car from MGOC which just fits (I think) into the tonneau rail slots. Down side is it cost £140. Remember that which ever type you use, the space below it also needs to be blocked, otherwise wind comes through between the seats. Bernie. |
b higginson |
Knee pads Bernie. Say no more guv, say no more. ;);). |
Lawrence Slater |
Lawrence LOL!! Knee pads for safe s*x!! These things you only learn in the pub or on the midget&sprite BBS. If they do a reprint of the midget manual ad this: Safety regulations concerning s*x in a midget(Bernie-style/position): knee-pads! Not using them can cause serious injury to the knees and may result in early ejaculati*n for the sake of wanting to stretch your legs asap. LOL!! Haynes would write something like: 1 disconnect the battery 2 take safety precautions and wear kneepads all the time. 3 grease up the joint 4 exiting is the reverse of entering. LOL!!! We could do a new thread of what should be taken in a new midget/sprite manual. :) |
A de Best |
Lawrence. Never thought of that. But you don't do you when you're in "that" sort of situation! Arie. LMAO! "Exiting is the reverse of entering" LOL! Perhaps in the Sex in a Midget manual they could say: Damage may be caused to the parcel shelf by careless positioning of the seated partner's legs and feet. ( Don't ask how I know this). Also: On completion, rolling out through the passenger door may be preferred to climbing back over the hand brake and gear lever, due to knee pain if pads have not been employed. |
b higginson |
Arie you absolute rotter! I'm totally heart broken, sitting here in floods of tears you know full well I'd have waxed for you I thought the fact that your Spridget has a coloured hood was a clear signal you sent out to all that you have feminine tendencies ;) |
Nigel Atkins |
I probably don't need to remind you that this is why one should always have the roof down, as it vastly improves the choice of style.... |
David Smith |
Arie, bernie. Truly, I have tears of laughter rolling down my face. Brilliant. lol. |
Lawrence Slater |
Before anyone comes on and says that this should be on the general section, if indeed it should be on at all, I would strongly disagree. I think this sort of "technical"discussion is quite important as it may help new ( and definitely younger, not for old boys this stuff) owners to be able to derive more pleasure from Midget ownership. Bernie. |
b higginson |
Could even encourage potential new owners to buy one bernie. I'm quite sure kids today, are no less into it than I 'was' -- back in the day. Probably more into it in fact. Figuratively speaking that is. Ability and stamina, rather than interest predominate these days. So I'm not sure the Sprite will ever get a look in again. Or the Midget at all for that matter. :). Having said that, one can receive with no effort at all, so perhaps all is not lost. LOL PS. Got caught by the old bill once. I was in a Rover P6 2200TC. Much more room in those. :) |
Lawrence Slater |
Why hasn't Nigel recommended referring to the Drivers Handbook? This is surely routine servicing (!) and operation rather than repairs. |
Guy W |
lol Guy. :). |
Lawrence Slater |
Is there anything in the hand book about what to lube the two extra nipples with? I think Nigel has dropped out of this thread because he thinks we're getting too smutty. I was also caught by the Law in a Mini, but the windows were so steamed up, they just went away. I must admit to suffering from erectile dysfunction for a few minutes while they were walking round the car. Must have been checking the tax disc and tyres cos they never knocked on. At least I think it was the Bill! |
b higginson |
Could have been "Tom" then bernie. :). Definitely old bill caught me. Drove up behind us and flashed the blue lights. We just had time to get decent when he knocked on the window. He didn't ask, "what's going on 'ere then?, as he already knew. LOL. "Can't you do this sort of thing at home son?". And, "I'll be back in 1/2 hour, if your still here, I'll nick you" 1/2 hour was plenty, but the gf was freaking out, so I drove her home. Happy days. :). |
Lawrence Slater |
"could have been Tom" LOL. 1/2 an hour. Premature ejaculation? LOL. Happy days indeed. I won't tell you about the time I parked on a soft verge and got stuck. Difficult trying to push the car out on post coital wobbly legs. |
b higginson |
This thread took a turn for the worse about 23 posts ago, so SWMBO and I are off out for a morning drive in the Sprite followed by a country pub lunch. Can't let probably the best day of the weekend go to waste. And no, we won't be parking up for naughties. At my age? You're 'avin' a Turkish! LOL. |
b higginson |
Yup. Straight past those laybys bernie lol. Enjoy the drive. :). |
Lawrence Slater |
Gentlemen(I use the term very loosely)I am sorry to have asked this question.Perhaps I should have asked it on another site.I must apologise for starting something that might go on for a while. It would seem there is no difinitive answer to the question regarding seats,but many suggestions regarding knee pads and how to exit a midgit. Thanks again Ian.(hope you see this post as I say I am almost computer illiterate). |
IM, have a look at a thread called ‘Seat Rail Measurement’ in the 'MGB General' forum as it has some measurements which may help with your previous seat question there’s also the MGF forums here that might be able to help you with measurements of MGF wind deflectors and if they might fit a Midget |
Nigel Atkins |
IM, found this image of a local members frog with MGF windstop on three self made brackets. It folds flat backwards and just fits under an erected hood (I think this is a suitable thread for that word!!!) Rob ![]() |
Rob aka MG Moneypit |
Rob,thank you very much for the info and picture. |
Actually, having thought about it I think it is BMW Mini Convertible rather than MGF. I shall consult the owner. Rob |
Rob aka MG Moneypit |
Yes, the owner confirms it was Mini Convertible. He used the vertical part only but I expect with anything later than a frog you may be able to use the horizontal part to block the wind that gets behind and between the seats. Rob |
Rob aka MG Moneypit |
Cracked it. It took me all day to do it.With thr runners fitted to the seats the midget set was 2 inches wider than the mgb.So all I did was drill holes 1 inch earer and low and behold they are now fitted.The hardest part was getting the bolts(captive and free)through the carpet and keeping the runner attached to the seat. So thaqnks for all the info and I hope this will be of help to somebody else. |
well done >>The hardest part was getting the bolts(captive and free)through the carpet and keeping the runner attached to the seat. So thaqnks for all the info and I hope this will be of help to somebody else.<< usually is I can normally get my seats out and back in quite easily and quickly but the last time I put the passenger seat back in for some reason it took me an hour as nuts, bolts, washers, holes, carpets and runners all had their moments - it was a very leisurely 10 minute job last time whilst drinking a mug of tea |
Nigel Atkins |
This thread was discussed between 13/04/2014 and 26/04/2014
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